Monitoring Outcomes
Monitoring Outcomes
We understand the importance of monitoring the work that we do to ensure we are making a difference and a long-lasting impact on the lives of our clients. This way, not only can we monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our work, but it can also be a tool to help the client see the positive changes they are making in their lives, and just how far they have come in their therapeutic journey.
Outcomes Stars
Upon a referral, clients and therapists will be required to use our monitoring assessment sheet, referred to as the ‘Outcome Star’. This uses a graduated scale of points to identify and measure the level of individual problems. This will enable the therapist to measure the progress of the client and the performance of the counselling itself, and make a plan for the client’s specific needs. Following their initial assessment, the client will return to the Outcome Star every three weeks, enabling the therapist to monitor whether or not there is an improvement. With school referees, we also ask that a class teacher complete a similar form for the client, so we can also get an outside perspective on the child. The class teacher will then carry on monitoring the therapeutic intervention, and be able to feedback any improvements or changes they’ve noticed. This is cost effective, as it will enable us to pinpoint the areas that need to be focused on, and therefore to achieve effective results in a short time.

What happens next?
After three sessions, if the client has reached his or her goals and desired outcomes, counsellors will work towards an appropriate exit. If not, therapists will continue to change and further develop the counselling to assist the therapeutic change for the client.
If the counselling and support work continues, the client will return once more to the Outcome Star, enabling the therapist to monitor and determine if counselling has been successful and the points scored have increased when compared to the previous monitoring review. Depending on the success of the counselling and an improved number of points scored, counsellors will introduce relapse prevention and ending for the client.
We will also ask the initial referral service (eg. police, school, college) to complete an evaluation to assess the impact they have witnessed on the client.
How does this help